If you’ve seen an Eames Chair Replica then you’ll know that it’s stylish enough to be featured as a freestanding furniture piece. However, there’s no harm in adding small knick-knacks and ramping up the surrounding atmosphere to make it more attractive. Further, we’ll be sharing 6 ways you can enhance the drama of your Eames Chair Replica. Let’s take a look:
- With a lot of texture
One of the reasons why the Eames Chair Replica is so eye-catching is because of the texture contrast between its wooden back and leather front. This combination is dramatic in its own right, but you can add even more visual interest by using more textures. But the trick here is to choose colors that are lighter than the original color scheme. The grey carpet and back-and-white cushion in this image are great examples!
- Cozying up the atmosphere
You can double up the drama of your Eames Chair Replica by furnishing with a pair of them. This requires a bit of layout and décor tweaking because now you’re working with two-sets of focal points. Any pair of chairs looks best with a visual connector and yours can be an end table in the middle. You can top off the whole look with a statement-worthy rug as a foreground. Just take a look at this image and you’ll understand just how it can be done!
- A symmetrical background
Nothing can drum up the drama of an Eames Chair Replica more than a symmetrical background. The great part is that you can create symmetry with literally anything. It can be a set of windows, a unique triptych art, or even a triple set of mirrors. All you have to do is place your chair in front of it to get the best results. Just take a look at this image – the symmetry of the windows totally enhances the presence of the chair.
- More power to complementing furniture
While the Eames Chair Replica can look gorgeous on its own, it looks even better when paired with contrasting furniture pieces. The great part about it is that you can create a unique ambiance with literally anything – a sleek modern sofa, another pair of accent chairs, a unique coffee table, nesting tables, and more. All you have to be careful about is the placement of the Eames chair with respect to the surroundings – just like the layout in this image!
- An island of its own
A great way to drum up the drama of your Eames Chair Replica is by enhancing its freestanding quality. The layout in this image is quite a great example of how you can do that. By placing the chair in the middle of a round area rug and complementing it with contrasting furniture elements, it feels like you’ve created an island of your own within the rest of the ambiance. This is exactly how you do it.
- Artful mismatch
Lastly, you can enhance the drama of your Eames Chair Replica by setting it up in a totally eclectic ambiance. This means careful mismatching of textures and colors so that the chair can stand out starkly. Just look at the neutral hued ambiance in this image – it makes the bold countenance of our chair stand out so beautifully!
The Eames Chair Replica is very bold in design, which means that you can easily make it stand out within any room. You can use some of these ideas and drum up the drama of your own!