As per World Health Organization data, Air pollution due to roads and other means has been linked to chronic respiratory disease (COPD), lung cancer, stroke and cardiovascular diseases.
Around the world, 4.3 million people died due to Air pollution in 2016, In Asia alone, 3 million people were affected. These deaths were defined as earlier than expected due to uncontrolled air pollution.
There is a crucial need for modern Dust Control methods to curb the rising air pollution globally. Here are a few ways which can help in reducing air pollution due to dirt roads:
Controlling Vehicle Intensity
Strict laws are needed in traffic hotspots where there are unpaved roads, which can create dust when stirred. Heavy Vehicles in large numbers have to be restricted on dirt roads. Alternate ways of transport have to be encouraged.
Wetting The Roads
Dampening dirt roads keep the dust particles stick to the ground. Water sprinkling systems must be installed around unpaved or dirt roads. However, this has to be done in a very measured way as too much water can make the place muddy, which can result in accidents. With proper data and analysis, a single watering session may be effective in keeping the dirt intact for hours.
Using Gravel on Unpaved Road Surface
Another way to keep the dirt settle to the ground is by using gravel. Gravel acts as a protective coat over open roads which can resist air currents due to vehicle wheels. However, loose soil particles can still sweep into the air if a proper road base made of crushed aggregate, cement, etc is not poured before laying gravel beds. To be effective over a long period, gravel has to be anchored to the road surface by incorporating gravel with soil adhesives.
In locations, where the flow of air currents is very high, Windbreaks can be installed which are natural barriers designed to slow the speed of the wind and redirect it elsewhere.
A windbreak, also known as a shelterbelt, is a method of planting trees or shrubs in two or more rows such as to obstruct the wind and to protect soil/dirt from erosion.