This is when the work finally seems to be going so far, you have spent the pipes of money and you still haven’t had the feeling of doing anything useful. It is the step of climbing the walls, laying brick upon brick. Rooms come up, you can already get a sense of space (but it always seems smaller than it really is, don’t be fooled), and it’s a quick phase.
Attention in two magic words: square and plumb. The masons and the master of work must be very attentive to this. The square is the angle between one wall and another, as if the work were being seen from above. Normally 90 degrees, it may be intentionally different from that, but the slightest difference from the predicted means that you will have to make a “crooked” room with that floor that has 10 tiles on one end and 10 and a half on the other end.
The plumb line is the vertical alignment of the wall: Unless your architect and you like exotic things, a good wall is a straight wall, not one that looks like it’s going to fall. You can click here for the best deals.
Cement Purchasing
Purchase cement, washed sand, pink sand, gravel, annealed wire, nails and planks for the shape of the columns. You also need to buy irons for the columns, for the straps (which are the beams at the top of the walls where the roof is supported) and for the lintels and counterbeams, almost indecent names for small beams or bars that are at the top and bottom, each window or door.
- They are not always defined in the structural design of the house and this usually causes iron to be lacking at the end of the work. But without them emerge those diagonal cracks that protrude from the corners of the window frames and spread across the wall, a finishing detail that no one likes.
- Check or set the height of each room before you begin. This is the so-called “right foot” of the work, God knows why. The project is not always detailed in this regard, and things such as unevenness in the house (one room may be at a good height but another too low) and upstream sewer pipe (which will require ceiling lining). The normal measurement is between 2.60m and 2m90.
Check the exact location and size of the frames, including the placement and size of the lintel and lintel.Even when there is no upper floor, the walls do not finish after they reach the height of the slabthey must go to the roof, depending on the design adopted by the project. In this case, it is necessary to check how far they will follow, and the inclination they should give to the roof.
When you reach the top of the walls, before building the straps, you need to check again the points of the columns and upper beams that should have waits for water, sewage and power conduits, telephone, antenna, etc.
Under the roof
Unless, of course, the project will dispense with the slab and use only a ceiling, or apparent roof,the slab is usually needed when there is an upper floor in this case it is the so-called floor slab, which is stronger and more expensive than the simple ceiling slab used for the same function as the ceiling.