For more than 14 years, Texas Landsource has been selling Texas land. Texas hunting acreage has always been and will continue to be some of the most desirable land for sale in Texas. Deer hunting, turkey hunting, dove hunting, and hog hunting are all popular in Texas. Our goal at Texas Landsource is to not only assist you in finding and purchasing the ideal piece of Texas land, but also to educate you on how to buy land and houses, how to find and vet closing attorneys, land surveyors, 301 tax exchanges, how a home inspection works, and how to vet and hire contractors.
Post Oak Roofing and Peak Perfection Contracting are two exceptional Texas contractors with whom Texas Landsource has worked. We recommend Peak Perfections if you need a general contractor, roofer, or home remodeler in East Texas, such as Marshall or Tyler. Peak is a dependable contractor with whom we have worked for many years.
If you’re looking for a roofing company in Dallas, Texas, we recommend Post Oak Roofing. Post Oak is certified by the roofing industry Gian GAF and can assist you with the installation of roofing, siding, and gutters. This is just one of the many ways Landsource can assist you in making your Texas land purchase a success. You could even need to know how to improve the appearance of that fantastic hunting cabin you just purchased.
What is the law about Texas Landsource?
Individual counties can restrict hunting with weapons (or bows) on lots or tracts of land that are 10 acres or smaller and located in an unincorporated region of the county in a development, according to the legislation. A subdivision is not the same as a suburban neighborhood. A subdivision, according to this definition, is any piece of land that was previously part of a larger parcel that was platted, approved, and filed with the county.
State legislation does not stipulate a minimum acreage required for hunting. Texas state law, on the other hand, grants counties and municipalities the authority to outlaw hunting in their territory if certain conditions are met. As a result, minimum acreage requirements are set by counties and municipalities at the local level. In the sake of public safety, the state grants them the authority to develop and enforce these rules.
Many Texas counties have passed resolutions/ordinances setting a 10-acre minimum size requirement for hunting or guns discharge on county-owned land. As a result, this is a state-wide policy that is likely, if not certain, to be followed in your county. You should check with your local county office to see if a policy has been established for your area.
Final thoughts
Minimum acreage requirements for hunting or discharging a firearm are commonly asked questions by Texas law enforcement officials. Landowners and potential land buyers want to know if hunting is allowed on a specific piece of land, especially if it’s one they’re contemplating buying. Many people have heard that in order to lawfully hunt, you must possess at least 10 acres of land in the state. Is this correct, and what is the policy? The truth is that hunting or discharging firearms on private land is not as simple as a standard statewide policy.