If you check the condition of the roof and roofing systems in a timely manner, you can significantly extend the life of the roof itself and avoid costly overhauls. Regular elimination of identified, insignificant at first glance, damage will help to avoid serious breakdowns in the future.
It is recommended to inspect, clean and repair the drainage system at least twice a year – in spring and autumn. Often, when building private housing construction, an external drainage system is used. In the fall, fallen leaves and debris can clog the drain and prevent the passage of water. The result of such obstacles is the wetting of the facade and, during the period of cooling, the formation of icicles.
To prevent this from happening, seasonal maintenance of the roof is necessary, which consists mainly in cleaning drainpipes from foliage and branches, cleaning the roof itself, carefully inspecting it, identifying defects and eliminating them immediately.
If you spare money for minor repairs in the fall, then, as a result, major repairs will cost much more. Debris, sand and dirt narrow the cross-section of the pipe, make it difficult to drain and can lead to very undesirable consequences. If dirt and sand clog the part of the drainpipe that is inside the building, it will no longer work.
Specialists of gutter cleaning company WindowWashingExpert can take care of the smooth functioning of the gutter system. For this purpose, a number of preventive works are carried out aimed at preventing the occurrence of clogging.
Types of work on cleaning gutters and drains
Competent and timely care of the drainage system significantly increases its service life. Gutter maintenance mainly involves the inspection and cleaning of the gutter system.
Cleaning gutters from leaves and debris
In autumn, the drainage system requires special care. During the leaf fall period, be sure to clean the gutters of leaves and other debris.
First of all, clean the pipe outlet from leaves and large debris, and then proceed to clean the entire system. The easiest way to clean a pipe is to feed water under high pressure into it. But you can avoid this procedure by installing special protective nets at the entrances to the downpipes. They protect the pipes from the penetration of large debris and leaves, without interfering with the flow of water. More details of gutter cleaning service https://windowwashingexpert.com/gutter-cleaning/gutters-drains-northbrook/.
Cleaning gutters from dust and smudges
If you want the gutters to retain an aesthetic appearance, if necessary, you can wash the pipes and gutters from dust and dirty smudges that have accumulated on them. To do this, you can use a regular rag or sponge, soap, any dishwashing detergent and water. Do not use harsh chemicals or metal brushes as they may damage the gutter system.
Protection of the gutter system in winter
Don’t forget to protect your gutter system in the winter. Clear the snow from the roof periodically to eliminate the risk of accumulated snow falling onto the drain. In regions with heavy snowfall, it is advisable to install snow retainers along the cornices above the gutters.
Be sure to remove the ice stuck in the pipes and the ice formed on the gutters by tapping them lightly with a wooden stick. In the same way, remove unmelted pieces of ice and snow that fall into the drainpipes in the spring with streams of melt water.
Gutter cleaning methods
In the arsenal of specialized companies there are a variety of methods for cleaning drains and the drainage system of structures and buildings. In order to clean the horizontal and vertical pipes located in the building itself, and the drainage systems located outside, two cleaning methods are usually used: hydrodynamic or mechanical.
- Hydrodynamic cleaning method. This cleaning method is based on the use of a directed action of a water jet under significant pressure, which acts on mechanical impurities by pressure, washing them away. Such a jet can be created if special equipment is used, consisting of portable pumps equipped with special nozzles for hoses. Such mobile pumps create the required water pressure, giving it a high speed. The nozzles form a jet so that it can be directed to the surface to be cleaned. By varying the size and shape of the hydraulic heads, it is possible to clean pipes of different diameters with deposits of various thicknesses.
- Mechanical cleaning method. This cleaning option is only suitable for pipes whose length does not exceed 100 meters. The diameter of the pipe to be cleaned varies from 2 to 60 cm. To clean such a system, a spiral or a flexible rod made of hardened steel is used. Cleaning is carried out by mechanical pushing and turning of the indicated tool in the pipe.
The use of a combined method, consisting of alternating mechanical and hydrodynamic cleaning methods, allows specialists to clean the drainage system quickly and efficiently.