Lawn management can be a daunting task for those that live in drier climates or in cases where a drought is present. Lawns have been getting a bad rep over the use of water, but the truth is people tend to overwater when facing this type of climate. From watering less to replacing the grass and even eliminating real grass, there are many ways to successfully maintain your lawn in this type of environment. Today we present the best tips on how to care for your lawn if you are struggling with maintaining a luscious lawn.
Tips For Maintaining Your Lawn
- Knowing How Much Water Is Too Much
When the weather is hot and dry, you may be tempted to water your lawn more than on a day it’s cooler. This is not recommended, not only is it bad for the environment in terms of extra water usage but doing this will only damage your grass. By overwatering, it doesn’t have an opportunity to adjust to the surrounding climate. It also doesn’t allow for deep roots to grow into the soil which can cause the grass to die once it’s not receiving the large amounts of water it grew accustomed to. Be sure to also avoid watering on windy days as it increases evaporation and only water your lawn on the coolest parts of the day such as early morning. It’s also recommended to water lawns once per week.
- Proper Mowing
Mowing your lawn, especially in drier climates can cause damage. Most people tend to over mow their lawn and cutting it too short. The idea that mowing short will allow for overall less mowing does work but is not recommended in droughts or drier climates. Keeping a higher than average length of grass for drier climates helps produce more shade and better water evaporation for the soil. Over mowing increases the chance for fungal growth.
- Reduce Lawn Size
Reducing the size of your lawn is one way to cut down on maintenance. With droughts on the rise, water restrictions have been put into place in some areas making it a harder feat for those with large yards. By putting in decks, courtyards and patios you can cut down on water usage and time spent in lawn care.
- Avoid Activity on the Lawn During Droughts
In cases of droughts, any type of activity on a lawn can harm it. It’s best to minimize activity until a drought is over. This means that even daily activities can affect it such as walking on it, children and animals playing in the yard and any type of maintenance is not recommended.
- Plant Alternative Types of Grass
There are many types of grass you can grow that require more water, less, water and are drought tolerant. Drought tolerant types of grass generally require less water than its counterparts. Replacing your lawn with this type of grass can be done over time or immediately. Should you choose the route to gradually exchange it, you will just place the type of species’ seeds you want over your existing grass and over a few years the current grass you have will die out. Groundcover species are becoming more popular as they can require even less water than drought-tolerant types. Some of these include Periwinkle and Rockrose.
- Replace Your Lawn Artificially
Many homeowners in desert climates have opted out of grass altogether and have gone with artificial means. Going with an artificial lawn requires much less lawn care. Depending on the type, it can even feel real and look identical to regular grass.
Author Bio : Sarah works for YourGreenpal and she loves writing on lawns and gardens.