The kitchen is the heart of every home. It keeps the household running as it is responsible for both preparations of meals, and as the cleanliness standards of the entire home. The process of perfecting the kitchen’s appearance is costly if done without considerations. However, this article aims at giving a cheaper alternative to such make-over. Irrespective of the kitchen size, house ownership (rented or fully owned), preferred colour theme and duration of the facelift, the pointers below offer the best combinations for the upgrade.
Factors to Consider When Doing a Kitchen Makeover
- Lighting – this is the warmth of the house, and one of the easier ways to change the kitchen appearance. Lighting is both the colour of the bulb and the bulb holders. The bulb aluminates at night to give the room the desired colour theme. The reflection on the walls and other shiny surfaces can also enhance the lighting within the kitchen. The light bulbs are more than style as they determine how your food looks.
During the day, the chandeliers should reflect the natural light. Its decorations and positioning should be strategic to allow the needed colour theme to manifest using the sun rays. - Decorate the walls – decoration can either be wall painting or wall hangings. Wall paintings take a longer time to get the real beauty but have longer effects compared to wall hangings. It also has an overall effect on other makeover add-ons. It relies on colour combination, wall space and arrangement of furniture and equipment within the kitchen.
Wall hangings and frames are used to show impressions, diversity or passion. They include pictures of landscapes, foodstuffs, homes or family portraits. They are cheaper, easy to fix, can easily be replaced and gives an interpretation of the home. - Timely repairs – the commotions within the kitchen lead to some breakages, especially of wall cabinets and kitchen cupboard doors. This is attributed to the height from the ground, the bulkiness of the goods stored and the method of cleaning. Ensure cupboard door replacement and other breakages are fixed in good time to avoid any hazardous encounters.
This is an opportunity to start a facelift within your kitchen. The doors and panels can be customised to have the pictures and impressions you like. With time, they can all be replaced. The developments should be well spaced to spreads out the cost. - Shelf arrangement – these arrangements cover both the inbuilt and portable shelves. The trick lies in how utensils are placed on the shelves, the colour of the utensils and the spacing. Inbuilt shelves should be visible, well-aerated and protruding to give the desired presentation. Plates and cutlery are the best utensils for such arrangements if well placed.
Portable shelves and utensil rack are ideal if you want to contrast or create even distribution of colours in the makeover. You can choose the colour of the shelves which should complement the colour of the utensils. For a perfect outlay, place it on a background that reflects the colours of the shelves and utensils. - Make systematic replacements – if there are no major concerns that may prompt a makeover, plan on what to replace over time without distorting the intended presentation. From the wall painting, kitchen cupboard doors, the sink, utensils and the lighting, the process of replacement should show the intended outcome. From this list, a good plan would be replacing the kitchen cupboard doors first, followed by wall painting, the lighting, the sink and eventually the utensils. The investment should be well spaced to avoid financial constraints.
- Get a flower a day for the kitchen – for a daily touch of beauty, a fresh bouquet can be delivered and strategically placed where they can be seen and felt the whole day. They should be watered to remain fresh and replaced each day. To keep this idea fresh all year round, the flowers should be different in breed and colour, creating a new-day-new-feeling impression. The vase should be transparent to give the flowers the desired background.